As I gaze upon the world today, there are few – maybe a handful – of souls in My Sixth Chamber (Conforme miro al mundo actual, hay pocas almas, quizá un puñado, en Mi Sexto Aposento)

June 5, 2021 Noteworthy Messages from the past
Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: “The souls who enter and abide in My Heart are united to My Divine Will. That is the Sixth Chamber of Our United Hearts.* Such a soul has made heroic efforts to please Me. He has believed in My Eternal Grace and cherished every present moment. That is purity of heart – single-heartedness.”
“As I gaze upon the world today, there are few – maybe a handful – of souls in My Sixth Chamber. In the world, few strive for such a detached relationship from the world. The human intellect has to carry the intent of this deep relationship with Me as a goal. Such a soul has made his peace with the temptations on his life and conquered them. It is not I who choose whom will share such unity with Me. It is the soul himself who must decide.”“Remember, free will is a gift from Me. Spend it wisely.”

Read Ephesians 5:15-17+

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father.

  5 de Junio del 2021
Mensajes destacados
Nuevamente veo una gran llama que he llegado a reconocer como el Corazón de Dios Padre. Dice: “Las almas que entran y moran en Mi Corazón están unidas a Mi Divina Voluntad. Ese es el Sexto Aposento de Nuestros Corazones Unidos. Un alma así ha hecho esfuerzos heroicos por agradarme; ha creído en Mi eterna gracia y ha apreciado cada momento presente. Eso es pureza de corazón; es un corazón indiviso.”“Conforme miro al mundo actual, hay pocas almas, quizá un puñado, en Mi Sexto Aposento. En el mundo, pocos se esfuerzan por semejante relación separada del mundo. El intelecto humano tiene que ponerse como meta esta profunda relación Conmigo. Un alma así ya no lucha con las tentaciones en su vida y las ha vencido. No soy Yo el que elige quién compartirá esa unión Conmigo. Es el alma misma la que tiene que decidir.”

“Recuerden, el libre albedrío es un regalo de parte Mía. Úsenlo con sabiduría.”

Lean Efesios 5:15-17
Cuiden mucho su conducta y no procedan como necios, sino como personas sensatas que saben aprovechar bien el momento presente, porque estos tiempos son malos. No sean irresponsables, sino traten de saber cuál es la voluntad del Señor.

RE: Latest messages are at Holy Love Ministries ( and Ministerios del Amor Santo (

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