Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: “My children, come to Me with filial confidence, as a child runs to the secure arms of his father. I desire only your welfare. I do not judge you, if you seek first My Mercy. Mankind has only to fear his lack of trust in My Mercy and My Love.”
“The repentant heart is like a flower opening in the warm spring sun. Every petal is perfect in the beauty I intend for it to be. Its fragrance is the delight of all those who draw near to it. Pay Me the homage of not regretting the past once it has been surrendered to My Mercy.” “In the world I have sent you My Son as a reminder of My Divine Mercy. Have recourse to this devotion and trust in its efficacy. Please do not regard Me so much as the stern judge, but as the loving Father who calls each soul to repentance. This is My call to every soul and to the heart of the world – repent for the sake of your love of Me. Then trust in My Merciful Love. My Mercy is greater than any sin.” (9/24/2019) Read Psalm 13:5-6+ But I have trusted in your merciful love; my heart shall rejoice in your salvation. I will sing to the LORD, because he has dealt bountifully with me. + Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. |
24 de Septiembre del 2019 Nuevamente veo una gran llama que he llegado a reconocer como el Corazón de Dios Padre. Dice: “Hijos Míos, vengan a Mí con filial confianza; como un niño corre a los brazos seguros de su padre. Yo solamente quiero su bienestar. Yo no los juzgo, si ustedes primero buscan Mi misericordia. La humanidad solamente debe tener miedo de su falta de confianza en Mi misericordia y Mi amor.”“El corazón contrito es como una flor abriendo en el cálido sol primaveral. Cada pétalo es perfecto en la belleza que Yo pretendo que tenga. Su fragancia es el deleite para todos los que se acercan a ella. Denme el honor de no lamentarse por el pasado una vez que ha sido entregado a Mi misericordia.” “Yo he enviado a Mi Hijo al mundo como un recordatorio de Mi divina misericordia. Acudan a esta devoción y confíen en su eficacia. Les pido que no me consideren tanto como el severo juez, sino como el padre amoroso que llama a cada alma al arrepentimiento. Este es Mi llamado a cada alma y al corazón del mundo: arrepiéntanse por el amor que me tienen. Después, confíen en Mi amor misericordioso. Mi misericordia es más grande que cualquier pecado.” Lean Salmo 13:6 |
RE: Latest messages are at Holy Love Ministries and Ministerios del Amor Santo