once again this Truth. My Immaculate Heart – Refuge of Holy Love – is the Ark of the New Covenant of Love (de hoy les afirmo nuevamente esta verdad. Mi Inmaculado Corazón –Refugio del Amor Santo– es el Arca de la Nueva Alianza de Amor)

May 5, 2010 continued
Feast of Mary, Refuge of Holy Love – 13th Anniversary
(This message was given in multiple parts.)”The gravest and most insidious sin is mankind’s failure to search out and recognize the Truth. All Truth is based upon the reality of the Ten Commandments. Remember, Holy Love is the embodiment of the Ten Commandments. Today I state to you once again this Truth. My Immaculate Heart – Refuge of Holy Love – is the Ark of the New Covenant of Love God seeks to establish with all mankind. It is your responsibility to seek this Ark out and to make it known by means of all the technology God has given you.””“”In Noah’s day, people continued on the path of error, and did not recognize the Truth. Today it is no different. The Truth of all I have come to tell you and give to you is not recognized. The enemy is trying to drown everything in a sea of controversy; he is trying to pollute the Truth.””

“”Dear children, persevere. I, your Mother, am your refuge and your defense. New disasters will not frighten you if you are in My Heart. The safety of My Heart can be felt here today and always on this property. ** Carry this peace home with you by choosing to live in Holy Love.””

“”Dear children, today and always I am your Heavenly Mother. I have called you here – invited you here. You have come with faith and love in your hearts. I invite you to allow your hearts to be reformed in Holy Love so that you can become good instruments of the Father’s Divine Will.””

Our Lady tells me to tell the people that She’s blessing the articles that they have on them, and in their possession.

“”Today, My dear little children, I’m blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love.””

“The gravest and most insidious sin is mankind’s failure to search out and recognize the Truth. All Truth is based upon the reality of the Ten Commandments. Remember, Holy Love is the embodiment of the Ten Commandments. Today I state to you once again this Truth. My Immaculate Heart – Refuge of Holy Love – is the Ark of the New Covenant of Love God seeks to establish with all mankind. It is your responsibility to seek this Ark out and to make it known by means of all the technology God has given you.”

“In Noah’s day, people continued on the path of error, and did not recognize the Truth. Today it is no different. The Truth of all I have come to tell you and give to you is not recognized. The enemy is trying to drown everything in a sea of controversy; he is trying to pollute the Truth.”

“Dear children, persevere. I, your Mother, am your refuge and your defense. New disasters will not frighten you if you are in My Heart. The safety of My Heart can be felt here today and always on this property. ** Carry this peace home with you by choosing to live in Holy Love.”

“Dear children, today and always I am your Heavenly Mother. I have called you here – invited you here. You have come with faith and love in your hearts. I invite you to allow your hearts to be reformed in Holy Love so that you can become good instruments of the Father’s Divine Will.”

Our Lady tells me to tell the people that She’s blessing the articles that they have on them, and in their possession.

“Today, My dear little children, I’m blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love.”


  5 de Mayo del 2010–Mensaje Pasados
13º Aniversario de María Refugio del Amor Santo
“El pecado más grave y más insidioso es que la humanidad no busca ni reconoce la verdad. Toda verdad está basada en la realidad de los Diez Mandamientos. Recuerden, el Amor Santo es la personificación de los Diez Mandamientos. El día de hoy les afirmo nuevamente esta verdad. Mi Inmaculado Corazón –Refugio del Amor Santo– es el Arca de la Nueva Alianza de Amor que Dios busca establecer con toda la humanidad. Es responsabilidad de ustedes buscar esta arca y darla a conocer por medio de toda la tecnología que Dios les ha dado.”
“En tiempos de Noé, la gente permaneció en el sendero del error y no reconoció la verdad. Hoy no es diferente. No se reconoce la verdad de todo lo que he venido a decirles y darles. El enemigo está tratando de ahogar todo en un mar de controversia; él está tratando de contaminar la verdad.”“Queridos hijos, perseveren. Yo, su Madre, soy su refugio y defensa. Si están en Mi Corazón, no los asustarán los nuevos desastres. La seguridad de Mi Corazón se puede sentir aquí hoy y siempre en esta propiedad. Llévense esta paz a sus hogares eligiendo vivir en Amor Santo.”

“Queridos hijos, Yo soy su Madre Celestial hoy y siempre. Yo los he llamado aquí, los he invitado aquí. Ustedes han venido con fe y amor en sus corazones. Los invito a que permitan que sus corazones se transformen con Amor Santo para que puedan convertirse en buenos instrumentos de la Divina Voluntad del Padre.”

Nuestra Señora me pide que le diga a la gente que Ella está bendiciendo los objetos que tienen puestos y que traen consigo.

“El día de hoy, queridos hijitos Míos, les doy Mi Bendición del Amor Santo.”

RE: Latest messages are at Holy Love Ministries (www.holylove.org) and Ministerios del Amor Santo (www.amorsanto.com)

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