The time approaches when you and all those in the world will be challenged as never before (Se aproxima el tiempo en el que serán desafiados como nunca antes, tú y todos en el mundo)

Blessed Mother’s Treatise to Her Remnant Faithful
and the Confraternity of the United Hearts
Our Lady comes as Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praise be to Jesus. My daughter, today in this present moment you feel the peace and security of My Heart. The time approaches when you and all those in the world will be challenged as never before. It will be a time of great perplexities, such as the world has never known. Plenty will give way to want. Necessities will be redefined. Economic systems will be extorted by those seeking power. More importantly, in this darkest of hours faith will be put to the test by My adversary who will take religion into his own hands as a means of rising to power.”
“It is only through an outpouring of grace from your Heavenly Mother’s Heart that My children will be brought to safety. Through the grace of this Heavenly refuge, the impossible will be made possible.”“Perhaps you see some of these signs I speak of as already in your midst. Perhaps you believe the darkest hour is at hand. I desire My children realize it is only beginning.”

“Let My message of Holy Love be your mainstay. Let the certainty of the Refuge of Holy Love–My Immaculate Heart–undermine the enemy’s plans to unsettle your peace. Take refuge in the Holy Love message, for this is the embrace of My Heart.”

“Today, I am raising up the Confraternity of Our United Hearts as a mighty army against Satan’s plans. In the end, love will be victorious.”

October 27, 2002

“Praise be to Jesus. My daughter, you recognize Me under this title ‘Protectress of the Faith’. It is by merit of this title–evil flees and the Tradition of Faith lies protected beneath My Mantle of Love.”

“Had your country abandoned itself to Me under this most powerful title, whole segments of her populace would have been saved and faith upheld. As it is, error has scattered the true Tradition of Faith to the four winds. Hypocrisy and heresy go unchecked.”

“But I have returned to you under this title of ‘Protectress of the Faith’, and I ask that you begin once again to propagate it. Essentially, it is approved by another Bishop in another country.* I am inviting you not to await approvals from high places at this time. The trials are too profound and numerous against the faith. My little ones are overwhelmed with controversy.”

“I come that you might have this weapon–“Mary Protectress of the Faith’–with which to wage war against the enemy who seeks to destroy your faith.”

“Make it known.”

* On August 28, 1988, Our Lady came as “Guardian of the Faith” to Visionary, Patricia Talbot, of Cuenca, Ecuador, in South America. In 1991, the Bishops of Ibarra and Guayaquil in Ecuador approved the movement which contains the name “Guardian of the Faith” and thus implicitly the title.

  17 de Octubre del 2002
Tratado de la Santísima Virgen para Su Resto Fiel y para la Confraternidad de los Corazones Unidos
Mensaje Pasado
Nuestra Señora viene como Refugio del Amor Santo. Dice: “Alabado sea Jesús. Hija Mía, el día de hoy, en este momento presente, sientes la paz y seguridad de Mi Corazón. Se aproxima el tiempo en el que serán desafiados como nunca antes, tú y todos en el mundo. Será un tiempo de gran perplejidad, como nunca ha conocido el mundo. La abundancia dará paso a la necesidad. Las necesidades serán redefinidas. Los sistemas económicos serán arrancados por quienes buscan el poder. Lo más importante, en ésta, la más oscura de las horas, es que Mi adversario pondrá a prueba la fe, él será quien tome la religión en sus propias manos como un medio para elevarse al poder.”
“Solamente a través de un derramamiento de gracia del Corazón de su Madre Celestial será como Mis hijos serán puestos a salvo. Lo imposible se hará posible a través de la gracia de este refugio Celestial.”“Quizá ya ves en medio de ustedes algunos de estos signos de los que hablo. Quizá crees que la hora más oscura está cerca. Deseo que Mis hijos se den cuenta de que apenas está empezando.”

“Permite que Mi Mensaje de Amor Santo sea tu fundamento. Permite que la seguridad del Refugio del Amor Santo -Mi Inmaculado Corazón- mine los planes que tiene el enemigo para desestabilizar su paz. Refúgiate en el Mensaje de Amor Santo, pues éste es el abrazo de Mi Corazón.”

“El día de hoy estoy elevando la Confraternidad de Nuestros Corazones Unidos como un ejército poderoso contra los planes de Satanás. Al final, el amor será victorioso.”

RE: Latest messages are at Holy Love Ministries ( and Ministerios del Amor Santo (

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