The goal of all spirituality is to be united with the Eternal Father’s Heart. It is His Divine Plan for all humanity (The goal of all spirituality is to be united with the Eternal Father’s Heart. It is His Divine Plan for all humanity)

July 3, 2000
Feast day of St. Thomas, Apostle“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”“I wish to express this Truth to you concerning the United Hearts Revelation. * Our United Hearts – that is My Mother’s Immaculate Heart within My Sacred Heart – is embraced by the Divine Will of God, which is the Heart of the Eternal Father. Once the soul begins the spiritual journey through the Chambers of My Heart, he is moving ever closer to the reality of this Divine Will and Eternal Heart. The goal of all spirituality is to be united with the Eternal Father’s Heart. It is His Divine Plan for all humanity. It is the reason each one has been created. It is the fulfillment of My Mission on earth.”

“Make it known.”

* For information regarding the United Hearts Revelation, please click (

Fiesta de Santo Tomás, Apóstol

“Yo soy tu Jesús, nacido Encarnado.”

“Deseo expresarles esta Verdad acerca de la Revelación de los Corazones Unidos. * Nuestros Corazones Unidos – o sea el Inmaculado Corazón de Mi Madre dentro de Mi Sagrado Corazón – está abrazado por la Divina Voluntad de Dios, que es el Corazón del Padre Eterno. Una vez el alma inicia el viaje espiritual a través de los Aposentos de Mi Corazón, se acerca cada vez más a la realidad de esta Voluntad Divina y Corazón Eterno. La meta de toda espiritualidad es unirse con el Corazón del Padre Eterno. toda la humanidad. Es la razón por la que cada uno ha sido creado. Es el cumplimiento de Mi Misión en la tierra”.

“Hazlo saber”.

* Para obtener información sobre la Revelación de los Corazones Unidos, haga clic (

RE: Latest messages are at Holy Love Ministries ( and Ministerios del Amor Santo (

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