Each soul is My Masterpiece. Each one has his free will – a gift from Me (Cada alma es Mi obra maestra. Cada una tiene su libre albedrío; un regalo de parte Mía)

August 25, 2021

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: “Each soul is My Masterpiece. Each one has his free will – a gift from Me. At their judgment, I will show each soul an accounting of the sins they were unrepentant of. It is the soul who chooses salvation or eternal damnation – not Me.”

“My Commandments * are a summary of My Will and a road map of how to live in My Will. This is non-negotiable. My prayer is for each soul to surrender to My Divine Will during his life on earth. Then, I can share Heaven with him.”

Read 2 John v. 6
And this is love, that we follow his commandments; this is the commandment, as you have heard from the beginning, that you follow love.

* God the Father provided a full explanation of His Commandments to visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle beginning June 24th and ending on July 3rd, 2021.  To read or listen to this valuable discourse, please go to www.holylove.org

25 de Agosto del 2021

Nuevamente veo una gran llama que he llegado a reconocer como el Corazón de Dios Padre. Dice: “Cada alma es Mi obra maestra. Cada una tiene su libre albedrío; un regalo de parte Mía. En su juicio, Yo le mostraré a las almas una cuenta de los pecados de los que no se arrepintieron. Es el alma la que elige la salvación o la condenación eterna, no Yo.”

“Mis mandamientos son un resumen de Mi Voluntad y es un mapa de ruta de cómo vivir en Mi Voluntad. Esto no es negociable. Mi deseo es que cada alma se rinda a Mi Divina Voluntad durante su vida en la tierra. Entonces, Yo podré compartir el Cielo con ella.”

Lean 2ª Juan 1:6
El amor consiste en vivir de acuerdo con los mandamientos de Dios. Y el mandamiento que ustedes han aprendido desde el principio es que vivan en el amor.


RE: Latest messages are at Holy Love Ministries (www.holylove.org) and Ministerios del Amor Santo (www.amorsanto.com)

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