February 16, 2018
Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: “I am your Heavenly Father. I come to remind all of My children that their salvation is not in exposure to these Messages. It is in obedience to My Commandments. * My Commandments must mold your morality. It is through My Commandments, I take you by the hand and lead you into paradise. Knowing My Commandments is not enough. You must obey them. What I desire in each soul is loving obedience. It is out of love I have given you these Commandments. It is as though I am taking each soul by the hand and personally leading them into paradise. The door to salvation closes to those who will not obey with love.” Read Deuteronomy 5:1 * God the Father provided a full explanation of His Commandments to visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle beginning June 24th and ending on July 3rd, 2021. To read or listen to this valuable discourse, please go to www.holylove.org. |
16 de Febrero del 2018
Una vez más veo una gran llama que he llegado a reconocer como el Corazón de Dios Padre. Dice: “Yo soy su Padre Celestial. Vengo para recordarle a todos Mis hijos que su salvación no está en el conocimiento de estos Mensajes. Está en la obediencia a Mis mandamientos. Mis mandamientos tienen que formar su moral. Es a través de Mis mandamientos que Yo los tomo de la mano y los guío al Paraíso. Conocer Mis mandamientos no es suficiente. Tienen que obedecerlos. Lo que Yo quiero en cada alma es la obediencia amorosa. Yo les he dado estos mandamientos por amor. Es como si Yo tomara cada alma de la mano y personalmente la guiara al Paraíso. La puerta a la salvación se cierra para los que no obedecen con amor.” Lean Deuteronomio 5:1
RE: Latest messages are at Holy Love Ministries (www.holylove.org) and Ministerios del Amor Santo (www.amorsanto.com)