Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: “I am your Eternal Father. I tell you, all sin has its origin in the departure from the Truth. As I have been teaching you, the Truth is the acceptance of My Dominion over you. Every denial of this Truth weakens the bond between the heart of the world and My Paternal Heart. Why is this important? A weaker bond between our hearts means less protection and less provision from My Heart.”
“I have told you that the First Seal has been loosened and that the first angel is close to sounding his trumpet.* Today, I tell you the First Seal is opened – the trumpet has been sounded. Man is well on the path of self-destruction. His actions and or inactions will result in the slaughter of many innocent lives. If you do not oppose evil, you condone it. Do not barter this Truth for any compromise. Pray to be able to recognize evil in hearts.” (12/29/2017) * Reference Messages of September 25, 2017 and December 17, 2017. Read Ephesians 4:22-24; 5:15-17+ Put off your old nature which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and put on the new nature, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness. Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Will of the Lord is. + Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. |
Nuevamente veo una gran llama que he llegado a reconocer como el Corazón de Dios Padre. Dice: “Yo soy su Padre Eterno. Yo les digo, todo pecado se origina al alejarse de la verdad. Como les he estado enseñando, la verdad es la aceptación de Mi dominio sobre ustedes. Cada negación de esta verdad debilita el vínculo entre el corazón del mundo y Mi Corazón Paternal. ¿Por qué esto es importante? Un vínculo más débil entre nuestros corazones significa menos protección y menos provisión por parte de Mi Corazón.”
“Yo les he dicho que el primer sello se ha roto y que el primer ángel está cerca de tocar su trompeta. El día de hoy les digo que el primer sello está abierto; la trompeta se ha tocado. El hombre está avanzando mucho en el sendero de la autodestrucción. Sus acciones y/o su inactividad darán como resultado la muerte de muchas vidas inocentes. Si ustedes no se oponen al mal, lo están aceptando. No cambien esta verdad por ninguna concesión. Recen pidiendo poder reconocer el mal en los corazones.” Lean Efesios 4:22-24, 5:15-17 |
RE: Latest messages are at Holy Love Ministries and Ministerios del Amor Santo