Jesus is here* with His Heart exposed. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
“My brothers and sisters, allow your hearts to be covered by Holy Love. This way, you will avoid all sin. Your rosaries are important, always have been and always will be. They are a defense against evil, which is so rampant in the world today.” “Tonight, I am imparting to you My Blessing of Divine Love.” (8/5/2017) * The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine. |
Jesús está aquí con Su Corazón expuesto. Dice: “Yo soy tu Jesús, nacido Encarnado.”
“Hermanos, dejen que el Amor Santo cubra sus corazones. De esta forma, evitarán todo pecado. Sus Rosarios son importantes; siempre lo han sido y siempre lo serán. Sus Rosarios son una defensa contra el mal, el cual está sin control en el mundo de hoy.” “Esta noche les imparto Mi Bendición del Amor Divino.”
RE: Messages from Holy Love Ministries and Ministerios del Amor Santo