How I long to engulf the heart of the world in the Flame of Truth – Truth which flows from the Holy Spirit, the Source of All Truth (Cuánto anhelo sumergir al corazón del mundo en la llama de la verdad, la verdad que fluye del Espíritu Santo, la fuente de toda verdad)

May 19, 2013
Solemnity of Pentecost”I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.””How I long to engulf the heart of the world in the Flame of Truth – Truth which flows from the Holy Spirit, the Source of All Truth. Then, sin would be regarded as sin. Personal holiness would be sought after by all.”“But, as I speak to you today, sin is upheld as personal freedom. The right to sin is protected by law. Mankind has arrogantly, and without conviction of conscience, redefined My Father’s Commandments.”“As consciences have been dulled by the general acceptance of error, My Mercy is not pursued. Fear of My Justice is not present in hearts. Mankind seeks his own answers for every consequence of his errors and leaves God out of the equation. I can only tell you in Truth, today, that it must become more and more imperative for humanity to turn to Me for assistance.”“Here, at this site, * I have poured Truth into the world. The Spirit of Truth is at the very heart of these Messages. ** Do not reject what I offer, but embrace it with a sincere heart. Choose to live in Holy Love. *** Choose to live in the Truth.”

2nd Message this day:

“I tell you solemnly, it grieves Me to see this Mission of Holy Love **** treated with such disrespect. People disbelieve, for they do not accept that we have the Truth here. When it is stated that there is nothing supernatural taking place here, people who believe such things do not understand the Holy Spirit. In fact, they are denying the Truth that the Holy Spirit can act whenever and wherever He wants, for He is God. No mortal can place restrictions on the Omnipotent Holy Spirit.”

“If the Holy Spirit was acting in the heart of each detractor, they would cease disbelieving, and believe.”

* The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine located at 37137 Butternut Ridge Rd in North Ridgeville, Ohio 44039

** The Messages of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine given by Heaven to the American Visionary, Maureen Sweeney-Kyle.

*** For a PDF of the handout: ‘WHAT IS HOLY LOVE’.

19 de Mayo del 2013
Fiesta de Pentecostés“Yo soy tu Jesús, nacido Encarnado.”“Cuánto anhelo sumergir al corazón del mundo en la llama de la verdad, la verdad que fluye del Espíritu Santo, la fuente de toda verdad.  Entonces, el pecado sería considerado como pecado.  Todos buscarían la santidad personal.”“Pero mientras les hablo el día de hoy, el pecado se defiende como libertad personal.  La ley protege el derecho a pecar.  La humanidad ha redefinido los Mandamientos de Mi Padre de forma arrogante y sin convencimiento de conciencia.”“Puesto que las conciencias se han adormecido por la aceptación general del error, no buscan Mi misericordia.  El temor a Mi Justicia no está presente en los corazones.  La humanidad busca sus propias respuestas a cada consecuencia de sus errores y deja a Dios fuera de la ecuación.  En verdad, hoy solamente puedo decirles que tiene que volverse cada vez más y más imperioso que la humanidad se vuelva a Mí buscando ayuda.”“Aquí, en este lugar, he derramado la verdad al mundo.  El Espíritu de la Verdad está en el mismísimo corazón de estos Mensajes.  No rechacen lo que Yo ofrezco, sino acéptenlo con un corazón sincero.  Elijan vivir en Amor Santo.  Elijan vivir en la verdad.”











RE: Latest messages are at Holy Love Ministries ( and Ministerios del Amor Santo (

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