Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: “Children, prepare your hearts during this upcoming Lenten Season as though you were preparing for My Son’s Second Coming. Sweep clean the household of your soul of all iniquity. Then, on Easter morning, it will be as though you yourselves ran to the tomb to find it empty. It will be as though you speak to the gardener and discover the gardener to be My Risen Son.”
“If you make your hearts free of distractions, you can share in Easter Joy, just as the Apostles did, with wonder and amazement. Pay attention during the Lenten Season as to what is consuming the affections of your heart. Allow the Tabernacle of My Son’s Heart to open and admit you in off-and-on throughout the day. If you are busy in the world, say little ejaculatory prayers off-and-on intermittently as you work – ‘Jesus, I love You.’, ‘Mary, My Heavenly Mother, come to My aid.” “I am hoping each of you sees this Lenten Season as a time of preparation for the great celebration of Easter.” (3/3/2019) Read Luke 24:12+ But Peter rose and ran to the tomb; stooping and looking in, he saw the linen cloths by themselves; and he went home wondering at what had happened. + Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. |
Nuevamente veo una gran llama que he llegado a reconocer como el Corazón de Dios Padre. Dice: “Hijos, preparen sus corazones durante este próximo tiempo de Cuaresma como si se estuvieran preparando para la Segunda Venida de Mi Hijo. Purifiquen sus almas de toda iniquidad. Entonces, la mañana de Pascua será como si fueran ustedes mismos los que corrieran al sepulcro para encontrarlo vacío. Será como si hablaran con el cuidador de la huerta y descubrieran que él es Mi Hijo resucitado.”
“Si liberan sus corazones de distracciones, podrán compartir la alegría de la Pascua con admiración y asombro, tal como lo hicieron los Apóstoles. Durante el tiempo de Cuaresma, estén atentos a lo que está acaparando los afectos de su corazón. Dejen que el tabernáculo del Corazón de Mi Hijo se abra y los acoja constantemente a lo largo del día. Si están ocupados en el mundo, digan una jaculatoria periódicamente mientras trabajan: ‘Te amo, Jesús’, ‘María, Madre celestial, ven en mi auxilio’.” “Espero que todos vean este tiempo de Cuaresma como una época de preparación para la gran celebración de la Pascua.” Lean Lucas 24:12
RE: Latest messages are at Holy Love Ministries and Ministerios del Amor Santo