Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: “I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am the Eternal Now. My actions are not governed by time or space. The miracles I perform have been part of My Heart for all eternity and will be present in My Heart in the future. These days, which are so tenuous, I ask your concerted effort in prayer that My Will, once again, takes Its rightful place at the center of the heart of the world. Forsake not My interests in man’s welfare. Return to Me as little children to a caring parent.”
“I do not wish to visit earth with My Wrath. I shudder to think of such a day. My children, you must take steps to make amends to My Heart. Be reconciled with the Truth that your arrogance will cause if you do not change. Come to Me with hands filled with good deeds so that I can open the gates of Heaven to you. With love and joy, I look forward to such a day.” (8/26/2018) Read Galatians 6:7-10+ Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption; but he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not lose heart. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all men, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. + Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. |
Nuevamente veo una gran llama que he llegado a reconocer como el Corazón de Dios Padre. Dice: “Yo soy el Alfa y la Omega. Yo soy el Eterno Ahora. Mis acciones no las rigen el tiempo ni el espacio. Los milagros que Yo realizo han sido parte de Mi Corazón por toda la eternidad y estarán presentes en Mi Corazón en el futuro. En estos tiempos, mismos que son muy delicados, les pido el esfuerzo conjunto en la oración para que Mi Voluntad vuelva a ocupar el lugar que le corresponde en el centro del corazón del mundo. No abandonen los intereses que tengo en el bienestar del hombre. Vuelvan a Mí como niños pequeños a un padre cuidadoso.”
“Yo no quiero visitar la Tierra con Mi Ira. Me estremezco al pensar en ese día. Hijos Míos, tienen que tomar medidas para hacer reparación a Mi Corazón. Reconcíliense con la verdad de lo que su arrogancia provocará si no cambian. Vengan a Mí con las manos llenas de buenas obras para que Yo pueda abrirles las puertas del Cielo. Espero ese día con amor y alegría.” Lean Gálatas 6:7-10
RE: Latest messages are at Holy Love Ministries and Ministerios del Amor Santo
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