Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: “Children, once again, I transcend time and space to address you. You are not important until you seek to be important in My Eyes. Do not count any form of worldly importance as something to be sought after. Seek first the Kingdom of Divine Love and all things will be added to you.”
“When your goals are not grounded in Holy Love, the enemy can easily take over and misguide you. It is then, the path of righteousness becomes obscure and even the strongest soul becomes confused.” “Further, I tell you, the Rosary of the Unborn has become the weapon of choice against Satan who despises any prayer. He has tried to discredit this rosary by attacking the means by which it was given to the world,* but, the fruits of this rosary – especially in battling abortion – are irrefutable. I encourage its use and its propagation.” “We are making inroads against the evil of abortion, as well as, evils in the media. It is so often the media that sets the stage of dress codes and acceptable behavior. Acceptable moral behavior has become the subject of challenge in the imagination of society in general.” “We must continue our attack of Satan’s inroads to decency with the rosary – especially the Rosary of the Unborn. This is important enough for Me to come from Heaven and offer you encouragement. I come to help you to set your priorities straight.” (4/5/2019) * See Message of October 7, 1997, Feast of the Holy Rosary, from Blessed Mother. Read Colossians 3:1-4+ If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. + Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. |
Nuevamente veo una gran llama que he llegado a reconocer como el Corazón de Dios Padre. Dice: “Hijos, nuevamente trasciendo el tiempo y espacio para hablares. Ustedes no son importantes hasta que busquen ser importantes ante Mis Ojos. No consideren ninguna forma de importancia terrenal como algo que deban buscar. Busquen primero el Reino del Amor Divino, y todo se les dará por añadidura.”
“Cuando sus objetivos no están cimentados en el Amor Santo, el enemigo fácilmente puede tomar el control y desviarlos. Es entonces cuando el sendero de la rectitud se vuelve oscuro y hasta el alma más fuerte se ve confundida.” “Además, Yo les digo, el Rosario de los No Nacidos se ha vuelto el arma preferida contra Satanás, que aborrece toda oración. Él ha tratado de desacreditar este rosario atacando los medios por los que llegó al mundo, pero los frutos de este rosario, sobre todo para combatir el aborto, son irrefutables. Los animo a que lo usen y lo propaguen.” “Estamos haciendo avances contra el mal del aborto, así como contra los males de los medios de comunicación. Con mucha frecuencia, los medios son los que ponen las bases para los códigos de vestimenta y la conducta aceptable. El comportamiento moral aceptable se ha vuelto objeto de desafío en la imaginación de la sociedad en general.” “Tenemos que seguir nuestro ataque a la incursión de Satanás a la decencia con el rosario, sobre todo con el Rosario de los No Nacidos. Esto es suficientemente importante para que Yo venga del Cielo y les ofrezca aliento. Vengo para ayudarlos a establecer bien sus prioridades.” Lean Colosenses 3:1-4 |
RE: Latest messages are at Holy Love Ministries and Ministerios del Amor Santo