The stronger My Remnant Faithful, the stronger the Light of Truth in the world (Mientras más fuerte Mi Resto Fiel, más fuerte es la luz de la verdad en el mundo)

November 9, 2007

Jesus comes holding His Heart in His Hand once again. It is once again surrounded with sharp thorns. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“I have come to help you understand that those who call themselves ‘Catholic’ but live in error, desire hiddenness.* Their agenda is to procure high positions within the Church from which to promote their liberal views.”

“It is, therefore, the duty of My Remnant Faithful to expose their errors despite persecution. This is part of My Mission here. Because we stand for Truth here, the reflection of this Truth is blinding the eyes of the liberals.** When they attack the Mission, they are trying to shield their own eyes from the Light of Truth. The stronger My Remnant Faithful,the stronger the Light of Truth in the world.”

“Understand, then, that My Remnant Faithful must not remain hidden, but must be bold in the Light of Truth. More and more, it must be apparent that there are two churches proclaiming to be Catholic. The enemy does not want his work revealed in the open. My Remnant Faithful must reveal it.”

* To desire hiddenness can be a virtue, but only when one lives in the truth of Holy Humility and Holy Love, desiring not to be noticed, yet working behind the scenes (through prayer, sacrifice and contribution of resources and talents), to build up and support the unity of the Church, and not undermine or divide it.

** Jesus is referring more specifically to those in high positions of the Church who are rooted in promoting a liberal or “progressive” agenda in opposition to True Magisterial Teaching in the Tradition of Faith.

  9 de Noviembre del 2007
Mensaje Pasado
Jesús viene nuevamente sosteniendo Su Corazón en Su Mano, el cual está rodeado de nuevo con espinas puntiagudas. Dice: “Yo soy tu Jesús, nacido Encarnado.”“He venido para ayudarte a comprender que aquellos que se llaman a sí mismos ‘católicos’ pero que viven en el error, desean estar escondidos. Su plan es obtener altos puestos dentro de la Iglesia para promover desde ahí sus opiniones liberales.”

“Es, por lo tanto, el deber de Mi Resto Fiel exponer sus errores a pesar de la persecución. Esto es parte de Mi Misión aquí. Porque aquí defendemos la verdad; el reflejo de esta verdad está cegando los ojos de los liberales. Cuando ellos atacan a esta Misión, están tratando de proteger sus propios ojos de la luz de la verdad. Mientras más fuerte Mi Resto Fiel, más fuerte es la luz de la verdad en el mundo.”

“Comprende, entonces, que Mi Resto Fiel no debe permanecer escondido, sino debe ser valiente en la luz de la verdad. Cada vez más, debe ser evidente que existen dos iglesias que proclaman ser Católicas. El enemigo no quiere que su obra sea revelada abiertamente. Mi Resto Fiel debe revelarlo.”

RE: Latest messages are at Holy Love Ministries ( and Ministerios del Amor Santo (

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