Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: “Children, as you prepare your hearts for My coming to you on Easter,* understand that My Victory was in My Son’s Cross. Do not disdain the crosses in your own lives. See them as a steppingstone to victory.”
“Each life faces a series of challenges – a series of crosses. You are never far from victory when you humbly accept your crosses. Trust is the key to accepting any cross. Trust that I will never allow any cross in your life which is too great for you. In your acceptance of the cross is your surrender. Every cross is designed by Me to bring you closer to Me. When the soul refuses to accept his cross, he ties My Hands and I cannot help him to carry it. When he accepts his cross out of love for Me, I am assisting him in small ways and in big ways.” “All through your lives, I am calling you to trust in Me. Together, we can walk the path of your destiny – your salvation. Look for the grace in every situation. Grace is always attendant to every cross.” (3/11/2019) * He’ll come to every heart that’s open. Read Hebrews 2:10+ For it was fitting that he, for whom and by whom all things exist, in bringing many sons to glory, should make the pioneer of their salvation perfect through suffering. + Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. |
Nuevamente veo una gran llama que he llegado a reconocer como el Corazón de Dios Padre. Dice: “Hijos, conforme preparan sus corazones para Mi llegada a ustedes en Pascua, comprendan que Mi victoria estuvo en la cruz de Mi Hijo. No desdeñen las cruces en sus vidas. Véanlas como un peldaño hacia la victoria.”
“Cada vida enfrenta una serie de desafíos; una serie de cruces. Nunca están lejos de la victoria cuando aceptan sus cruces con humildad. La confianza es la clave para aceptar cualquier cruz. Confíen en que Yo nunca permitiré ninguna cruz en sus vidas que sea demasiado grande para ustedes. Su rendición radica en su aceptación de la cruz. Yo diseño cada cruz para acercarlos más a Mí. Cuando el alma rehúsa aceptar su cruz, ata Mis Manos y no puedo ayudarla a cargarla. Cuando el alma acepta su cruz por amor a Mí, Yo la ayudo de maneras pequeñas y grandes.” “A lo largo de sus vidas, Yo los llamo a confiar en Mí. Juntos podemos transitar el sendero de su destino: su salvación. Busquen la gracia en cada situación. La gracia siempre está presente en cada cruz.” Lean Hebreos 2:10
RE: Latest messages are at Holy Love Ministries and Ministerios del Amor Santo