December 13, 2014 Feast of St. Lucy Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”“Once again, I come to address unbelievers who jeopardize their own salvation through pride. Do you not understand the way of your salvation has been laid before you as Holy Love? You must recognize the pride within your own hearts which keeps you from believing.”“In order to believe in Holy Love, you must first accept that opposition to Holy Love is wrong. In humility, accept this. Do not so stubbornly resist Heaven’s call to you because of the opinions of others. Holy Love is Heaven’s call to unity and peace. Holy Love is Truth and the Light of Truth before you on the path to salvation. Do not be pulled from this path by error that has consumed other hearts. God, Who sees into every heart, will judge according to Holy Love.”Read 1 Corinthians 4:5 Therefore do not pronounce judgment before the time, before the Lord comes, who will bring to Light the things now hidden in darkness and will disclose the purposes of the heart. Then every man will receive his commendation from God.
13 de Diciembre del 2014
La Santísima Virgen dice: “Alabado sea Jesús.” “Una vez más vengo para dirigirme a los no creyentes que ponen en peligro su propia salvación por medio de la soberbia. ¿Acaso no comprenden que el camino de su salvación se les ha presentado como el Amor Santo? Deben reconocer la soberbia dentro de sus propios corazones que les impide creer.” “Para creer en el Amor Santo, primero tienen que aceptar que la oposición al Amor Santo está equivocada. Acepten esto con humildad. No se resistan obstinadamente al llamado del Cielo a causa de las opiniones de otros. El Amor Santo es el llamado del Cielo a la unidad y la paz. El Amor Santo es la verdad y la luz de la verdad frente a ustedes en el sendero a la salvación. No se salgan de este sendero por el error que ha consumido otros corazones. Dios, que ve dentro de cada corazón, juzgará conforme al Amor Santo.” Lean 1ª Corintios 4:5 |
RE: Latest messages are at Holy Love Ministries ( and Ministerios del Amor Santo (